Lyme Disease Prevention Forum
Friday, May 31st10:00-12:00pm
St. Mary’s Hospital, LePage Conference Center, Lewiston, Maine
Maine CDC and the Departments of Agriculture, Conservation & Forestry, and Inland Fisheries & Wildlife are partnering the Western Public Health District to present a Lyme Disease Prevention Forum onFriday, May 31st, from 10am-12pm at St. Mary’s LePage Conference Center .

The purpose of the forum is to inform those of us who work and play outside in the Western Public Health District (Androscoggin, Franklin and Oxford Counties ) about Lyme disease and how to prevent it. Agency and local subject matter experts on human Lyme disease and deer ticks, their habitat, and control will provide information and tools on the prevention of Lyme disease, and we’ll have time for questions and answers.
For information on Lyme disease, see
More information will follow in the next couple weeks.
Thank you,
Jamie Paul
Public Health Liaison – Western District
Maine Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Department of Health and Human Services
200 Main Street
11 State House Station
Lewiston , Maine 04240
(207) 795-4302