Local Initiative Hosting Community Forums for those Lacking Health Insurance
A Community Resource Partnership established through an Access to Quality Care Planning Grant funded by the Maine Health Access Foundation is hosting informal discussions for residents to talk about their health care needs. The group would like to learn about the needs of the uninsured who seek a majority of their health care through the emergency room, and what individuals need to have a healthier life.
This group of interested individuals and organizations has been meeting to discuss ways to assist community members with better access and coordination of care, as well as connecting to local health and social service resources. As part of the planning process, the group is interested in learning what is keeping our local residents from being healthier.
The goal of this initiative is to develop a plan to help local residents receive appropriate care for their health and wellbeing. The partnership has identified potential ideas to better assist local residents and requests input from residents. One consideration is the possibility of establishing a community resource coordinator to assist residents in connecting to local services and providers to help improve their health and quality of life.
Community forums will be held on: Wednesday, June 24 from 6-7 p.m. at the Mt. Blue Campus, Room A140, across from the Main Office; Thursday, June 25from 6-7 p.m. in the Spruce Mountain High School library; and Tuesday, June 30 from 6-7 p.m. at the Forster Memorial Building in Strong. Two $50 gas cards will be raffled at each event as a thank you to participants for their feedback. An RSVP is requested. Light refreshments will be available.
To RSVP or for individuals who are unable to attend an event, but would like to provide input through a survey contact Janis Walker at 779-2750 or jwalker@fchn.org.