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Women's Care Practice Hosting Party September 27

15 Sep 2015 4:53 PM | Deleted user

 Women’s Care Practice Hosting Party Sept. 27

Come wish Dr. Connie Adler well during her retirement




Franklin Health Women’s Care is hosting a party on Sunday, September 27, 4–6 p.m., in the Bass Room at Franklin Memorial Hospital to celebrate the birthdays of all children born here, the many women in our community the practice has cared for, and the accomplishments we have achieved together over the years.


Come wish Dr. Connie Adler well during her retirement, as well as Dr. Jay Naliboff as he has stepped into a new role as vice president of medical affairs at Franklin Memorial Hospital. Meet and chat with our current health care team that includes: Tara Aumand, MD; Susan Kearing, DO; James MacDonald, MD; and Jennifer Zeliger, MD.


Bring the whole family and enjoy children’s activities including face painting, bean bag toss, and a fishing game; free coloring books and crayons; balloons; cake and ice cream; and more! Feel free to mail or drop off photos and stories to the practice in advance to be on display that day or mail to Franklin Health Women’s Care, 111 Franklin Health Commons, Farmington, ME 04938.


Local radio station WKTJ FM 99.3 will be doing a live remote that day providing music and will feature interviews with Dr. Adler, Dr. Naliboff, Dr. MacDonald, and others.


For additional information contact Molly Chaplin at 778-6394 or email:

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